• For 75 years, Palestinians have and continue to endure dispossession, displacement, exile, and the brutal and deadly violence of the occupation. Their very existence amidst unprecedented modern tyranny is an unwavering testament to their resistance. As young feminist activists, we are deeply committed to the liberation of Palestine and their cause. The Palestinian struggle is our struggle. When we recognize and expose the colonial and imperialist dimensions inherent in these oppressive systems, it grants us a broader understanding of the prevailing power dynamics and emphasizes the urgency for intersectional and global solidarity in all our struggles. We offer these messages of solidarity with our Palestinian sisters and siblings. We dream of a world where all of us can live in safety, dignity and freedom. We dream of a Free Palestine!

  • ينظمنّ الناشطات الشابات النسويات أنفسهنّ في جميع أنحاء العالم من أجل حقنّا السيادي في حياتنا وأراضينا وأجسادنا، نحن ندرك العلاقة التي لا تتزعزع بين نضالاتنا ونضالات أخواتنا وإخواننا في فلسطين المحتلة. بينما تقوم مؤسسات الإعلام وزعماء دول الشمال العالمي بمحو الحقائق المروعة لـ 75 عامًا من احتلال الشعب الفلسطيني، فإننا نقدم الرسائل التضامنية هذهِ كأسرة عالمية تناضل من أجل عالم يمكننا فيه جميعاً العيش بحرية وكرامة وأمان

  • Durante 75 años, la comunidad palestina ha soportado y continúan soportando el despojo, el desplazamiento, el exilio y la violencia brutal y mortal de la ocupación. Su propia existencia en medio de una tiranía moderna sin precedentes es un testimonio inquebrantable de su resistencia. Como jóvenes activistas feministas, estamos profundamente comprometidas con la liberación de Palestina y su causa. La lucha palestina es nuestra lucha. Cuando reconocemos y exponemos las dimensiones coloniales e imperialistas inherentes a estos sistemas opresivos, nos otorga una comprensión más amplia de la dinámica de poder predominante y enfatizamos la urgencia de una solidaridad interseccional y global en todas nuestras luchas. Ofrecemos estos mensajes de solidaridad con nuestras hermanas y hermanos palestinos. Soñamos con un mundo donde todos podamos vivir con seguridad, dignidad y libertad. Soñamos con una #PalestinaLibre

  • Partout dans le monde, des jeunes féministes s’organisent pour obtenir un droit souverain sur nos vies, nos territoires et nos corps. Nous reconnaissons le lien inébranlable entre nos luttes et celles de nos sœurs et frères en Palestine occupée. Alors que les grands médias et les dirigeants du Nord effacent les horribles réalités de 75 ans d’occupation du peuple palestinien, nous offrons ces messages de solidarité comme une famille mondiale se battant pour un monde où nous pouvons tous vivre sereinement, dignement et librement.

  • Ma parhakpeni jimpo, jinkonhikua sapiratitucha enka utusï jimpo arikurka Feministas jóvenes, anchikurhishatiksï pariksï kuajpini juchari tsipekua, juchari echeri ka juchari anhanhajtakuani. Exexakajchi eska jucharhi kuajperakua no jantiajkueka eska majkuka jinkoniekucha ka erachicha jinkoni jini Palestina ueratini anapuecha. Jimpoka ionistia, tanimu ekuatsi tempini ka iumuestia enka i Ireta k’omu nitamakuarinajaka, materhuchaksï uekani inchakukuani, uantikuani ka euakarinksï imaecheri echerini. Ka imaksï, “rikucha” k’ejtsicha, enkatsi jatsikoretika chkuanteraxatiksi oksï no uekani jurhimpitku uantantani, nojtsini jiajkuni eskajchi iamintucha mitiaka Palestinaeri uantanhiata ampe. Isï jimpo ixu uerhatini axakuaxakaksï jinkonikuechani ka erachichani jini Palestina anapuechani uantajperata arhipariani esjtsi no jantiojku jaka, eska xuani isï anapucha chanksïni jinkoni jaka. Juchari anchikuarhita majkunisti eska chaari, juchari tsipekua jimpo.

  • По всему миру молодые фемини_стки выступают за суверенное право распоряжаться нашими жизнями, территориями и телом. Мы признаем неразрывную связь между нашей борьбой и и борьбой наших сестер и братьев в оккупированной Палестине. В то время как корпоративные СМИ и мировые лидеры Севера стирают ужасающие реалии 75-летней оккупации Палестинского народа, мы передаем эти послания солидарности как глобальная семья, которая борется за мир, в котором все мы сможем жить в условиях безопасности, достоинства и свободы.

  • Da 75 anni, le persone palestinesi subiscono l’espropriazione, lo sfollamento, l'esilio, la violenza brutale e letale dell’occupazione. La loro stessa esistenza, sotto l'oppressione di una tirannia moderna senza precedenti, è testimonianza della loro incrollabile resistenza. Come gruppo giovanile femminista, siamo fortemente impegnatз per la liberazione della Palestina e il supporto alla causa Palestinese. La lotta palestinese è la nostra lotta! Prendere atto della dimensione coloniale e imperialista di questo sistema di oppressione, ci garantisce una comprensione maggiore delle dinamiche di potere prevalenti e sottolinea l’urgenza della solidarietà intersezionale e globale in tutte le nostre lotte. Lanciamo il nostro messaggio di solidarietà con le nostre sorelle e fratelli palestinesi. Sogniamo un mondo dove poter vivere in sicurezza, dignità e libertà. Sogniamo una #PalestinaLibera

  • Timp de 75 de ani, palestinienii au suportat și continuă să suporte deprivarea, strămutarea, exilul și violența brutală și mortală a ocupației. Însăși existența lor în mijlocul unei tiranii moderne fără precedent este o mărturie de neclintit a rezistenței lor. În calitate de tinere activiste feministe, suntem profund angajate în eliberarea Palestinei și a susținerii cauzei lor. Lupta palestiniană este și lupta noastră. Atunci când recunoaștem și expunem dimensiunile coloniale și imperialiste inerente acestor sisteme opresive, acest lucru ne oferă o înțelegere mai largă a relațiilor de putere predominante și subliniază urgența solidarității intersectoriale și globale în toate luptele noastre. Oferim aceste mesaje de solidaritate cu surorile și frații noștri palestinieni. Visăm la o lume în care să putem trăi cu toții în siguranță, demnitate și libertate. Visăm la o #Palestinaliberă.

  • Depuis 75 ans, les Palestinien·ne·s ont subi et continuent de subir la dépossession, le déplacement, l’exil et la violence brutale et meurtrière de l’occupation. Leur existence même au milieu d’une tyrannie moderne sans précédent est un témoignage inébranlable de leur résistance. En tant que jeunes militant·e·s féministes, nous sommes profondément engagé·e·s dans la libération de la Palestine et dans leur cause. La lutte palestinienne est notre lutte. Lorsque nous reconnaissons et exposons les dimensions coloniales et impérialistes inhérentes à ces systèmes oppressifs, cela nous donne une compréhension plus large de la dynamique de pouvoir dominante et souligne l’urgence d’une solidarité intersectionnelle et mondiale dans toutes nos luttes. Nous offrons ces messages de solidarité avec nos adelphes palestinien·e·s. Nous rêvons d’un monde où nous pouvons tou·te·s vivre en sécurité, dignité et liberté. Nous rêvons d'une #PalestineLibre

Desde el Abya Yala nuestra solidaridad a Palestina, a nuestras luchas por la autonomia de nuestros territorios!


We stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people. #SetPalestinefree

- Mohamed

📍sierra leone


Now more than ever, our humanity is tested. Year in and year the people of Palestine loose their lives and struggle to survive. Now is the time to take action and call out Israel for crimes against humanity. Now more than ever. #FreePalestine

- Aminata

📍sierra leone

We are standing with you. We are grieving with you. We are speaking out against this obscene violence and occupation. Every Palestinian deserves to live in safety and dignity, to be free and to live long lives. Free Palestine 🍉🇵🇸✊🏽

- Tana

📍United Kingdom

From ferguson to Palestine, Occupation is a crime

- Sarah

📍 United States

Soñamos con una #PalestinaLibre

📍 El Salvador

Vancouver is in solidarity with Palestine! From the river to the sea, Palestine will be Free!

- Alina


Palestina será libre

📍 El Salvador

Jews do not support genocide. We support a Free Palestine!

- Leah

📍United states

no existe justicia bajo ocupación


Basta de barbaridades injustificadas contra el pueblo Palestino.

Basta de resolver con violencia problemas que deberían tener estrategias políticas poniendo por delante la vida de niños/niñas, jóvenes, adultos y adultos mayores.

No hay justificación!



In the spirit of unity and justice, we stand in unwavering solidarity with our Palestinian sisters. Together, we raise our voices to denounce oppression and violence and to support the resilient people of Palestine. Let us work collectively to break barriers, foster understanding, and pave the way for a world where every voice is heard and every life is valued.


📍Turtle Island

May the love that's kept your struggle going sustain the Palestinian people until you are all free. May the solidarity of all those who believe none of us is free until all of us are free always be behind you. May healing, peace, and hope abound in your community.

- Sharon


بيان تضامن مع فلسطين

- مؤسسة وئام شباب للتنمية


#freepalestine. None of us are free is our sisters are unfree.

In solidarity with Palestine and the movement around the world to speak against the injustices and barbaric killing happening

📍sierra leone

I dream of a day to see a Free Palestine.

- Maryam

📍United States

The war is destructive where it happens. there is a no measuring sticks to see who's correct and who's wrong. We are totally against the war and strongly believe everything can be done through negotiation. We take this as an opportunity to show our great sympathy to all the victims of the war and their lament. our heartfelt solidarity with you all in this crucial moment.

- Revolutionary Existence for Human Development

📍sri lanka


To the people of Palestine, In times of adversity, when words may seem inadequate, we want you to know that our thoughts and hearts are with you. We stand in solidarity with the people of Palestine, hoping for a future of peace, justice, and security for all. We recognize the challenges you face and the resilience with which you confront them. Our hope is for a world where all individuals can live in safety and harmony, regardless of their background or beliefs. We believe in the power of dialogue and empathy as steps towards resolving conflicts. May your courage and the spirit of unity guide you in these difficult times. We will continue to hold you in our thoughts and work towards a peaceful and just world for everyone.

With love and support❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹

📍 singapore

libre palestina del rìo hasta el mar. mi solidaridad y amor profundo, somos la tierra y las semillas de la resistencia. hasta la victoria!

- Lau



Solidaridad con el pueblo palestino y con los pueblos del mundo que padecen el despojo, el desplazamiento, el exilio y la violencia brutal y mortal de la ocupación.

- Aurora

📍 México

We grieve with you for your loss. For all the beautiful faces and tiny feets that we lost to the brutal war over land. We stand with you and wish had capacities to be there with you physically during this time. We, dalit women from India are remembering you in these times and wishing that you all come out of this situation soon.


Estamos unidos. Nossa solidariedade e apoio! Palestina Livre

- Lucia


We the civil society organizations signed below hold you and your governments the legal and moral responsibility for war crimes and genocide crimes committed by the Israeli occupation forces in the Gaza Strip, we do not witness a silent position in front of the occupation crimes and not justify its narrative; but in humiliation and endorsement of his crimes, explicitly justification and unlimited support Which makes you - we consider organizations and peoples - partners in crime against civilians children, women and men.

- Coalition of civil society organizations


نحن مجموعات ومؤسسات نسوية وأفراد ناشطين.ات نؤكد أننا نساند للمقاومة الفلسطينيّة

بكافة أشكالها ونشدّ على يدها في رفض الظلم والاستعمار، نرفض كنسويّات في هذه المجموعات والمؤسسات كما غيرنا الملايين من النساء في المنطقة، أي شيطنة أو تشكيك في فعل هذه المقاومة كفعل تحرّري خالص لن ينتهي إلا بتحرير واستعادة ملكية جميع الأراضي والأجساد الفلسطينية الواقعة تحت الاستبداد العسكري والأيديولوجي للاستعمار الاستيطاني الغربي في فلسطين.

- Takatoat


We, Concealed Narratives, stand in unwavering solidarity with the Palestinian people during the current conflict in the region. We join our voices with countless others around the world to express our deep concern and sorrow for the ongoing violence and suffering in the region.

The current situation in Palestine has brought immense human suffering and tragedy, and it underscores the urgent need for a just and lasting resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. We call for an immediate cessation of hostilities, a commitment to dialogue and diplomacy, and the protection of the rights and dignity of all civilians affected by this conflict.

The toll this conflict has taken on innocent lives, the destruction of homes, and the displacement of families are heart-wrenching. We express our condolences to the families who have lost loved ones and offer our support to those who are enduring the hardships of this crisis.

As an organization committed to peace, human rights, and justice, we advocate for a peaceful, two-state solution that respects the rights, security, and sovereignty of both Israelis and Palestinians. We believe that dialogue and negotiations must prevail over violence and that the international community has a critical role to play in facilitating a just and lasting resolution to the conflict.

In this challenging time, we urge the global community to unite in its commitment to human rights, international law, and the pursuit of peace. We call upon world leaders to redouble their efforts to bring an end to the violence and suffering, and to work towards a just, comprehensive, and lasting peace in the region.

Our thoughts are with the Palestinian people, and we reiterate our commitment to supporting their aspirations for peace, justice, and a brighter future. Together, we stand for a world in which all people can live in security, dignity, and peace.

- Concealed Narratives


In love and strength to you girls - the world is watching, we will not forget you. Hold onto each other tight. In the darkness you can be the light. All the love xxx

- Amanda

📍 United Kingdom

Que viva Palestina libre, la resistencia Indigenas presentes apoyando la liberacion de Palestina

📍 México

Alto a la masacre del pueblo palestino indefenso, la guerra y devastación de poblaciones y territorios no puede ser la respuesta al terror causado. Todo mi apoyo con las mujeres infancias y juventudes de la Franja de Gaza.”

- RAÍCES Análisis de Género para el Desarrollo


Read thousands of messages of solidarity for Gaza.