Condemn the attack and bombing on Palestine by Israeli forces. The country has been struggling since the colonial rule. Israel was created by the European forces and western countries due to their own anti-Semitism as they did not wish to provide refuge to the survivors of the holocaust. This made Palestine a scapegoat as the Jewish community seeked refugee by settling in Palestine. However, this lead to a struggle of 75 years se Palestinians were displaced and are getting displaced for the creation of Israel. Many big nations are supporting Israel for their own political benefits, ignoring the rights of Palestinian people. Recently, a hospital full of civilians was bombed by Israel.

Our organisation is in solidarity with the people of Palestine and demands that the colonial powers provide proper refuge to the survivors of holocaust and stop this war of Palestine as both sides are suffering due to the anti-Semitism that led to creation of Israel and due to the Islamophobia, currently people of Palestine are getting killed and dehumanized. Palestine needs to be free from this suffering.


We stand with the people of Palestine. This time is crucial for the world and for our humanity. We will continue to show solidarity in all the ways we can. #FreePalestine

📍Sierra Leone

- Joy


في عالم يعاني من الظلم والصراع، يصبح من الضروري بالنسبة لنا أن نقف معا ونعرب عن تضامننا مع أولئك الذين يعانون, لقد هزت الأحداث الأخيرة في فلسطين العالم، وهذا يستدعي منا الاهتمام و اتخاذ خطوات شجاعة تضامنا مع الفلسطينيين وضد كل السياسات القمعية التى تستهدف وتعتدي على الحقوق المدنية والانسانية للشعوب و الجماعات و الأفراد

إن التضامن مع فلسطين ليس مجرد عمل من أعمال التعاطف، بل هو بيان قوي ضد الظلم والقمع. ومن خلال فهم السياق التاريخي، والاعتراف بانتهاكات حقوق الإنسان، ودعم القضية من خلال الوسائل المختلفة، يمكننا المساهمة في حركة عالمية من أجل العدالة والسلام في المنطقة و على العالم أن يرى الأمور بعين الحق و من مبدأ إنساني فقط دون اي اعتبارات عرقية او دينية.

و لأن الأجيال الشابة التي تتعرض للأبادة التعسفية هي من تستطيع النهوض بالأمم في الأوقات الصعبة ,نرغب ان يصل صوت تضامن مجموعتنا مع اهالي فلسطين عامة ومع الشباب والشابات خاصة

- فريق هيرا التطوعي

- Sara

📍united states

I have been seeing all the murders, explosions, and complete destruction of hospitals and a church where some of the civilians are. At first I cried, I cried till I stopped crying, then only tears would come out. I felt so guilty for not crying anymore and mourning the devastating images I see. But since I stopped crying, I started to to feel like I am burning from the inside but my temperature is fine. I started to get goosebumps and eventually my body broke today. I fell sick… And I am happy I feel something. I like to think that my body is feeling a sort of pain. I also have been to a March for Palestine in Marrakech my city. There are marches at 6pm everyday in the main cities in Morocco.

I am sharing this because I want you to know that we really are thinking of you! In my job, the Moroccan ladies I work with used to chant Moroccan folklore as a way to hype themselves up. But ever since Gaza been attacked, they stopped singing because they feel sad and are worried for all the Palestinian. My old grandma who almost forgot her kids watches the news intensively and is constantly praying for you all. Until next time I write, I hope my message finds you holding up.

All my love and solidarity!

- Fatimah


We are with you. Sisters of Palestine we will always be with you. Our love for you is boundless. Your struggle is our struggle. We are with you, always. Until a Free Palestine.

- Rosa

📍south africa

To our Palestinian kin, we mourn with you. We stand in unwavering solidarity with you. We hear you stories, we carry your pain, we see you. When you are silenced, we will shout for you, march for you. When you are so under threat that you are hopeless, we will hope for you. But more than anything, we believe in and for you. That you will be free. No matter the violence, the powerlessness, the collective attempts to gaslight us - we believe in your freedom.

- Ach

📍 Kenya

My mind, body, heart and soul are with you. You have taught me so much about feminism, resistance, and liberation. Thank you. And now we must show our love and fight with you. We love you - you are loved, not just in this moment but always. Palestine forever ❤️


📍united states

I send you a lot of strength and courage and love and compassion <3 and I hope this will end now !


I cannot afford to sit back and settle into a state of helplessness at stemming the tides of relentless violence in Gaza, the West Bank and for those Palestinians living lives as second-hand citizens in Israel.

Helplessness gives power to the oppressor - that is what they want! What I am seeing if powerful resistance by citizens in Gaza and the West Bank - spreading their truth under occupation - and calling the world to action.

Rather than being helpless I am seeing more and more people stand up and call out what it is - Genocide! Taking to the streets, calling out Governments and businesses that are complicit in the violence and senseless killing of innocent civilians.

New generations are defying fake media narratives, delving deeper to unpack the double-standards the hypocrisy - it is now a global movement supporting Palestinian sisters and brothers that will continue to grow - truly defiant solidarity - until Palestine is Free!

- Lewis James

📍united kingdom

I honor the memory of my Roma ancestors who perished during the Holocaust by standing for Palestinian's rights and being vocal against this genocide. I am always inspired by the Palestinian resistance and the freedom fighters from Gaza. It is our duty as humans with empathy and a soul to show our solidarity towards our Palestinian sisters and brothers. We can stop the occupation, we can fight against the Israeli apartheid, we want the genocide to end and we honor all the lives who were lost. We fight for humanity therefore we fight for a free Palestine from the river to the sea!

- Mihaela Drăgan


 I am in solidarity with Palestinian people experiencing genocide and call for a ceasefire every day.

📍united states

“It is certain, in any case, that ignorance, allied with power, is the most ferocious enemy justice can have.” -James Baldwin

📍united kingdom

As Community Care Collective, we wanted to express our solidarity with Palestinian justice & liberation and stand against injustice and colonisation in all its forms. As a Collective which originated directly from our core decolonial and intersectional feminist values, we want to make this stance clear. This situation did not occur overnight as mass media will make it out as an ‘unprovoked attack’, but it is part of the decades long struggle of the Palestinian people who had their indigenous land taken from them.

Any calls for peace are redundant if the root issue of the occupation is not addressed, and if the calls for Palestinian liberation are not made clear.

As a Collective that focuses on ending stigma and taboo on mental health & mental illness, we also want to share this:

We cannot underestimate the impact of the ongoing war on our mental health. The world seems to be rapidly falling apart around us, and this weighs extremely heavy on many of us, especially those directly affected & those who have family & friends in the region who are suffering. Additionally, as a collective comprised of activists, we know this also adds another layer of pain on our hearts & our mental health.

We want to encourage you to be gentle with yourself at this time. To disconnect from social media where you need. To possibly turn off news alerts on your phone. To check-in 1:1 with loved ones. To still try to do something each day that is just for you, whether a breathing exercise, a mediation, a walk, a tv show you like etc.

If you need anything, CCC is here for you, just let us know. @CommunityCare__

- Community Care Collective

📍united states

الاقصي في قلوبنا



I have shared the solidarity message in all my social media. Wish the the world support, pray and take action for. I also hope the world aware that both of the country need help. GBU all


Unconditional support to the Palestine Liberation

- Mohamed


TU lucha es nuestra lucha. apoyamos la liberacion de palestina y toda nuestra solidaridad.

- Gabriela


Numbness is what some of us feel but with the little courage I've managed to muster today, I firmly embrace the radical belief that freedom can be achieved for Palestine. If our humanity has ever been called into question as we hold this belief, I urge you to take a moment to reflect on the origins of this violence because the more we educate ourselves about this, including the injustices and oppression, often related to colonialism, the more clearly we will be directed towards choosing the right side of history. Might be far away but holding our sisters in Palestine with love, light, and deep solidarity.

📍sierra leone


📍united states

The people of Palestine have the right to liberty, freedom, and access to food, water, and medical treatment. without a cease-fire, a solution to this humanitarian crisis and genocide is impossible.

- Sultana Jahan


Your people’s strength is immense! I pray for you each day that the war will end and you can rebuild your community. Ukraine Palestine We love you and you deserve to overcome this unjust attack from a cruel man who doesn’t belong in today’s world.

📍Sierra Leone

El de Palestina es un grito de dolor que resuena en todos los rincones del mundo. No podemos ser cómplices del silencio.

- Feministas


Thinking of all our beautiful Palestinian sisters. We stand in solidarity for the right of all people to live free of discrimination, harm, abuse, apartheid and violence. You are in our thoughts. Hugs and love from rural Nepal.
